Distinguished guests, dear colleagues,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning to you all!
It is a great pleasure to co-host this event with the Permanent Missions of the host countries of the World Conference on Women, namely, MeXico, Denmark, and Kenya, as well as United Nations Women's Guild Geneva (UNWG-Geneva) and Universal Rights Group (URG). I wish to eXtend my warm welcome to the Permanent Missions, OHCHR, CEDAW, UN Women, UNFPA, academia, and civil society, and thank you for your active participation.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA) serve as cornerstones of gender equality and women's human rights. Since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action at the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995, there has been a growing consensus on gender equality and significant progress has been made in advancing the global cause for women. However, due to various reasons, different countries and regions still have varying levels of women's development, with disparity in the rights, opportunities, and resources enjoyed by women and men. Moreover, the emergence of numerous global challenges and rendered the protection of women's rights and interests even more compleX and difficult. Therefore, it is imperative to reaffirm the spirit of the UDHR and the VDPA and implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in an equal, inclusive, and sustainable manner, and we still have a long way to go.
China hereby calls on that:
First, we should strongly support women in building their careers and achieving greater heights. Women are the creators of human history and the driving force behind social progress. China believes that countries should formulate science-based and appropriate development strategies in line with their national conditions and increase women's participation in decision-making and management roles. We should encourage and support women in taking leadership roles in all sectors, thus allowing them to fulfil their critical role as "half the sky". In China, outstanding women such as Zhang Guimei, who has devoted herself to girls' education in rural areas, and astronaut Wang Yaping, who sent greetings from space on International Women's Day, are well known role models inspiring the neXt generation of women leaders.
Second, we should help women break free from the cycle of poverty. Promoting women's participation in socio-economic activities can effectively improve their status and boost social productivity and economic vitality. China supports the integration of women's poverty eradication into the overarching policy design, while enhancing their capacity and equal opportunities to participate in employment. China believes that "Poverty alleviation starts with supporting people in acquiring knowledge and skills and realizing their ambitions," that is why China has been helping women to start their own businesses and increase incomes through skills training and financial assistance. In 2021, China achieved a comprehensive victory in poverty alleviation, lifting nearly 50 million poor women in rural areas out of poverty, thus significantly improving the enjoyment of all human rights by Chinese women.
Third, we should protect women's rights and interests. Incorporating the protection of women's rights and interests into laws and regulations and elevating its status as a national priority is essential to ensure gender equality. China has established a comprehensive legal system and implemented gender equality-based review of laws and policies at both national and local levels. Based on more than 800,000 entries of comments on the revision of laws, the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests has been amended by the legislature to meet the requirements of the times and further strengthens judicial remedies.
Fourth, we should create an enabling environment for women's development. Women and men share the same world, and the elimination of discrimination, prejudice, and violence against women can make society more inclusive and vibrant. China has launched a multi-pronged campaign to promote and raise awareness on the basic state policy of gender equality. Gender equality concepts such as "eliminating gender stereotypes and male superiority" have been incorporated into the national education system. The whole society is mobilized to continuously create a favorable atmosphere of respect and support for women.
Fifth, we should strengthen international cooperation in the field of women's development. The global cause of women's development requires joint efforts from all parties. Developed countries should increase financial and technical assistance to developing countries, to narrow the gap in women's development between countries. China has taken actions to support the global cause for women, through donations, awards and projects. Additionally, China has faithfully fulfilled its treaty obligations, and strengthened engagement with the CEDAW Committee with a constructive attitude.
President Xi Jinping has proposed the convening in 2025 of another Global Leaders' Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment. China is committed to strengthening cooperation with all parties in the field of women's rights and will provide support to accelerate the achievement of gender equality and promote the global cause of women's development. I wish today's event great success!
Thank you!